Sunday, July 8, 2012



hye.did you know what is Schokolade?
do not know how to pronounce it? oke. please let me to be your teacher for a second. =P


jommmm kita startttttttt.

Scho like in "SHOck", but the o is a bit longer
ko as in "KOala" or "COca COla"
la just the same as in "Dalai LAma"
de like the word "thE", just replace the th with a D .

cammana?dah pandai pronounce belum?kalau belum,cuba try lagi oke.jangan putus asa yaww. =P
Schokolade actually is a chocolate. It's a German word.

Gue takda motiff lain tulis entry ni selain nak bagitau yang sikalang gue tengah addicted sama susu chocolate Dutch Lady yg penuh krim dan lazat tu...  nyumm.

sekali minu je,terus kotak susu tu penyek sebab kehabisan airnya...
tapi,gue tetep seduttt...sedap ohhhh.

i'll update about the advantage of milk soon. tadaaaa.

Ich liebe Schokolade
Ich liebe Azwan. =P=P

thank you for reading my entry!!


Mak Lin said...

Kite pun suka minum ni. Sekali minum 1L. wawawa~~~ badan kite dah macam tong drum (X_________X)

haswani said...

heyyy akak! melampau tu 1L.kembung perut oke.nak baring pon dah xlarat.apatah lagi nak jalan kannnnn
